Sunday, October 5, 2008

Toys in the Bedroom

I am hearing more and more about these parties people are having where they invite friends and family over to their houses and have vendors come to their house and try and get friends and family to buy these products. I always get a kick out of finding that at most of these parties they have ADULT Toy vendors there talking about what items do what and how to use them and so forth. It always gives me the giggles.

On the other hand, even though I giggle, I am very curious to want to find out more about these things they are offering, what pleasure can come about it and how much will it actually add to my current sex life? Well let me tell you, I recently went to one of these parties, they had candles, psychics, wine tasting and the adult section. I have to admit, I was invited to this party by a couple of friends and I didn't know many people there which was great so I didn't feel that uncomfortable about having some family member looking at me funny. Everyone was great though, they laughed, talked about who had used it before and even the older ladies were talking about how they wish they had this back in the day. OMG! It was great though.

Being a newbie to these things provided me with a level of excitment which was out of this world and makes me wonder why I haven't done this sooner. I really enjoyed reading this article: Toys in the Bedroom and had to go and purchase a few more thing for myself from them. There's nothing better than adding spice to your relationship, especially in the bedroom. Check out their toy selections and enjoy the savings and the pleasure as much as I have.

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